Collateral Management

Expert Collateral Management Services

Collateral Management involves the supervision and management of collateralized goods and commodities for financial institutions or traders at clients’ locations or within our secure warehouses.

What Access World’s Collateral Management Services encompass

At Access World, we offer specialized Collateral Management services, ensuring financiers’ utmost comfort and security. As an independent and trustworthy third party, we provide the necessary assurance and service levels. This facilitates commodity owners in pledging their goods to financiers and enables financiers to maintain proper security and stock control.

Whether managing goods at a client’s location or within our secure warehouses, we expertly handle a diverse range of pledged commodities. These include refined metals, concentrates, steel, iron products, agricultural items like soybeans, coffee, cocoa beans, edible oils, frozen livestock, petroleum products, and high-value electronic goods such as hard disk drives.

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The benefits of appointing a 3PL for Collateral Management

Appointing a collateral management service provider within the logistics provides advantages such as:

In summary

Outsourcing collateral management enhances cost-efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on core competencies while relying on specialized expertise to handle collateralized goods securely and efficiently.

Access World provides specialized Collateral Management services for financial institutions and traders, overseeing collateralized goods at clients’ locations or within secure warehouses. Acting as an independent third party, we offer assurance to commodity owners and financiers, handling diverse pledged commodities with expertise, including refined metals, agricultural products, and high-value electronics.