Ships Agency

Diverse shipping portfolios across multiple sectors

What Access World’s internal Ships Agency can do

Access World Maritime, an internal shipping agency within the Access World, handles diverse shipping portfolios across multiple sectors. The agency delivers exceptional port and customs services with offices in key South African ports. Access World Maritime’s expertise ensures compliance with safety and commercial regulations, preventing delays for client vessels.

How it works

Access World Maritime manages over 200 port calls annually, overseeing all aspects of the vessel’s visit. This includes project management, operational planning, sailing services, husbandry services, and final account disbursement. The agency’s comprehensive approach covers various vessel types, from chemical tankers to bulk carriers, offering a full spectrum of services from repairs and dry-docking to customs clearing.

Why Access World maritime is the best Ships Agency choice for you

The advantages of choosing Access World Maritime’s ships agency include extensive experience, compliance assurance, and a holistic service covering diverse industries. The agency’s in-depth knowledge of local and international ports and commitment to correct and appropriate actions contribute to seamless and efficient port operations.

Access World Maritime’s unique selling point lies in its integrated approach. Unlike external ship agencies, the internal ships agency seamlessly integrates into Access World’s broader logistics solutions. This integration ensures better coordination, efficiency, and a holistic service that extends beyond port and customs services, providing clients with a comprehensive end-to-end logistics solution.

In summary

Access World Maritime operates a ships agency that delivers exceptional port and customs services. The agency’s strong presence in South African ports ensures compliance, efficiency, and seamless vessel operations. Managing diverse portfolios and integrating its ships agency into broader logistics solutions, Access World Maritime provides clients with a comprehensive and integrated end-to-end logistics experience.