
Access World’s professional Stevedoring Services

Stevedoring is a pivotal aspect of maritime logistics, involving efficiently loading and unloading cargo from ships. This essential service ensures the smooth transition of goods between vessels and ports. Stevedores, equipped with expertise and precision, handle the careful movement, arrangement, and storage of diverse cargo. Access World’s commitment to world-class stevedoring services underscores our dedication to facilitating efficient and secure cargo operations, contributing to the overall productivity of global trade logistics.

What is Stevedoring?

Stevedoring, the process of loading and unloading cargo from ships, is a meticulously coordinated operation to ensure the efficient and secure movement of goods. Beginning with detailed planning and coordination involving stakeholders like shipping companies and port authorities, the process encompasses the arrival of vessels at designated berths. Stevedores carefully review cargo documentation to understand specifics and employ specialized handling equipment, such as cranes and conveyor systems, to ensure optimal efficiency and cargo safety.


The loading or unloading process involves strict adherence to safety measures, including personal protective equipment and signaling systems. Quality control measures, such as inspections and sampling, may be applied based on cargo type. Stevedores strategically place lifted cargo within vessels, adhering to weight distribution and maritime regulations. Meticulous documentation covers cargo movements, safety compliance, and any issues encountered—Access World’s expertise in stevedoring guarantees the efficient, safe, and compliant handling of cargo operations.

Access World provides extensive Stevedoring services across our sites, guaranteeing skilled handling of various vessel categories. Our seasoned stevedores, armed with cutting-edge machinery, precisely handle loading and unloading operations, following unique commodity handling specifications. Our services emphasize safety and proficiency, whether it’s the vessel hold, quayside, truck/rail wagons, or warehouse. Ongoing training and proactive risk management further boost the effectiveness and competitiveness of our services.

Secure cargo handling enhances reputation

Producers and consumers want their products to be in the best condition. Financiers and traders wish to account for every ton. Access World’s ensures the best for everyone.

Providing high-standard stevedoring solutions is essential to building a positive reputation within the shipping and logistics industry.

Access World has done more than maintain cargo integrity by adhering to industry regulations, providing efficient cargo operations, and sticking to tight schedules while prioritizing safety compliance; we’ve helped others garner a respectable reputation within the logistics industry.

Using a 3PL for your stevedoring solution offers a competitive advantage gained by consistently delivering reliable and efficient services. Robust risk management practices minimize disruptions, while compliance with industry standards builds credibility. Adaptability to various cargo types meets the diverse needs of industries, and continuous improvement efforts ensure ongoing operational efficiency and innovation in the field.

In summary

Access World takes pride in delivering comprehensive stevedoring services across its locations, showcasing expertise in handling diverse vessel types. Access World offers warehousing services for registered commodities at our London Metal Exchange (LME) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME) approved warehouses. The warrants traded on these exchanges, issued by Access World, represent an entitlement to a specific warehouse lot that meets the quality requirements specified by the exchange. This enables delivery in compliance with LME or CME contracts of their stevedoring services.